Welcome to Bellringing Derbyshire

If you want to find out more about bellringing, or would like to give it a try, then you are in the right place!
Already a ringer? Go to the Contacts page for local ringing associations.
Bellringing News & Events in and around Derbyshire

The latest news and events are on the Bellringing Derbyshire Facebook page

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What is Bellringing?
Be Active & have Fun!
- Enjoyment
- Friendships
- Wellbeing – Mind & Body
- Skills
- Challenges & Achievements
- Amazing Places
- Making a Fantastic Sound
- The Soundscape for Special Occasions
- Inexpensive & Inclusive
- and much more!
Bellringers ring tower bells, which are normally in church towers.
These bells are the loudest unamplified, and heaviest, musical instruments in the world.
– The ultimate heavy metal!
– Making a fabulous sound across local communities.
They are rung in the traditionally English style of full-circle ringing with a rope round a wheel.

Although most bell towers are at churches, many ringers do not go to church services, and can be of any faith.
Ringers are of any age (normally 9 to 90), with young people and adults ringing together.
People can learn to ring at any age from about 9 (school year 5) upwards, including students, adults and retirees.
Bells are rung ‘full circle’ with one ringer per bell: Each bell starts upside down, and is swung using a rope and wheel until it is upside down again and repeated. This is done to split-second accuracy, so is quite a skill!
Bells can be any weight up to about 4 tons, although most bells weigh between 100kg (2cwt) and 1000kg (1 ton).
Bell towers have any number of bells from 3 to 16. With 6 and 8 being the most common.
Most bell towers are in Britain, with a few in other parts of the world, mostly where English is spoken.
Why do Ringing?
What could be better than enjoying making a fabulous sound with friends of all ages, getting a workout as you do it?
With endless opportunities to try new things in amazing places, it could be the most diverse and interesting activity you do!
Check out the other pages in this website to find out why ringing could be your perfect activity.
Can I be a Ringer?
If you are aged 9 to 80, can raise your arms, count, listen, and enjoy a challenge, then you could become a ringer.
Ringing is a skill which takes time to learn, and you will have lots of fun and achievements along the way.
Myths Busted!
- Ringers have to be musical – NO! – Music is not used.
- You need to be strong – NO! – Bells may be heavy, but the rope and wheel makes ringing a gentle exercise.
- Ringers have to go to church – NO! – Although bells are normally in church towers, it is fine to not attend church services, and ringers can be of any faith or none.
- It’s very loud – NO! – Soundproofing in the floor(s) between the bells and ringers provides comfortable sound levels.
- It’s boring and just pulling a rope – NO! – Ringing is a skill, with endless opportunities, new things to try and places to visit, it will keep you hooked for ever!
- You fly up in the air – NO! – Ringers let go of the sally (fluffy bit of the rope) as it rises, so they keep their feet on the floor.
- You have to wear robes – NO! – Ringers wear normal clothes, often jeans and T-shirts.
- It’s all old-fashioned – NO! – Computer simulators and CCTVs are used for training in some towers, and there are apps for ringers. Most towers are comfortable, welcoming spaces.
- You ring only at your local church – NO! – Ringers can ring anywhere, go on visits and outings and are welcomed at other towers away from home.
- It costs a lot of money – NO! – Ringing lessons are inexpensive and sometimes free, and association membership is under £15 a year!
- I’m too old to learn – Not necessarily! – Many retirees take up ringing, as well as children, teens and younger adults.
More Information and Videos
Check out the other pages in this website and browse the Discover Bellringing website.
Where Can I Try Ringing?
Click here to find a bell tower in Derbyshire near you.
Not every tower shown has a ringing teacher, so please contact us and we’ll find a tower with a ringing teacher in your area.
Not in Derbyshire? No worries! Click here to find a ringing teacher near you.
Contact Us to Find Out More or to Try Ringing
For a ringing taster session, or for more information, click here to send us a message.